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In Transition

A Feature Documentary about Transitional Age Foster Youth

One in eleven kids transitioning out of foster care end up homeless....the homeless rate of transitional age youth (TAY) is surpassing that of vets.

70% of California State prisoners spent time in Foster care.

In Transition, is a feature length documentary dedicated to telling the story of young adults transitioning out of the foster care system at the age of eighteen and will focus on the challenges and experience of several of these young adults.

The core focus of the documentary will be on one or two transitional aged youth who are about to leave the foster care system.   Since they are at that critical juncture, a precise moment of dynamic change in life, their story is ready for a dramatic telling, but also provides the framework from which to explore and truly learn what is needed for them to transition with success.  At that moment of transition, they are full of potential, to succeed, or have the system fail them---to be full of hope or to be full of fear.  To have resources, or to be left holding nothing. 

The sale and distribution of the documentary will also financially benefit the NGOS working daily to assist these young adults.  From a humanist point of view, we are failing these children. From an economic point of view, it is beneficial for us, as a society, to invest in the future of all youth.   Each young adult who is better equipped to be a productive member of society is a benefit to us all.  Each child matters.  


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Foundation of Joy is a registered 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. Contributions to Foundation of Joy are tax-deductible to the extent permitted by law. Foundation of Joy's tax identification number is 38-3760535.

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